The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) amended its guidance detailing activities vaccinated individuals can now resume, such as attending small outdoor gatherings without wearing a mask.
These new recommendations outline multiple scenarios where individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can forgo wearing a mask. The CDC still urges vaccinated individuals to continue to wear a mask indoors and in crowded outdoor areas.
Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second shot of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after receiving the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The new recommendations say vaccinated individuals can participate in certain activities without a mask, such as walking, running or biking outdoors alone or with members of their household, attending small gatherings with fully vaccinated friends or family, or dining at outdoor restaurants with friends from multiple households.
Fully vaccinated people can also attend “a crowded, outdoor event, like a live performance, parade, or sports event,” as long as they remain masked, according to an infographic from the CDC.
Gov. Chris Sununu recently lifted New Hampshire’s mask mandate, once again delegating responsibilities to towns, businesses and individuals.
“We will continue to encourage social distancing and the wearing of masks when appropriate. … It’s just a good idea,” said Sununu.
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) still has a mask ordinance for students in place for the foreseeable future.
“While at work, in class, and in public common areas, community members will wear a cloth face covering to help protect against the spread of the virus,” reads UNH’s guidelines on its COVID-19 webpage.
UNH Police Chief and Associate Vice Provost for Safety and Risk Management Paul Dean continues to urge students to follow guidelines.
“I encourage the campus community to continue to be vigilant. Consider getting vaccinated, wear your mask, physically distance, and wash your hands. Together, we can make a difference,” said Dean in a statement.
Durham, NH also has its own mask ordinance, which is slated to expire on June 5. Durham Town Administrator Todd Selig noted that while the town will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC, they do not anticipate any changes to the ordinance through June 5.
UNH plans to reopen fully in the fall 2021 semester, and continues to urge students to get vaccinated.

Photo courtesy of The Boston Globe// Paul Dean.