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The New Hampshire

The New Hampshire

The New Hampshire

A Letter From TNH Editors

TNH Editors May 3, 2024

We at The New Hampshire (TNH) condemn attempts to censor free speech. Free speech and freedom of press are intrinsically tied together and are both essential foundations of our democracy. We are upset...

Senior Farewell: Rhianwen Watkins.

Senior Farewell: Rhianwen Watkins.

Rhianwen Watkins, Arts Editor December 13, 2022

It is hard to believe this is the final piece I am sitting down to write for The New Hampshire (TNH), being less than a week away from graduating. The feeling is bittersweet. I am excited for all of the...

Letters to the Editor

February 11, 2022
Read our latest Letters to the Editor! Diane Freedman and Professor Emerita bring to light the consequences of removing the Mill Pond Dam and other community members share local stories.

Issue 2 of the 2020-21 Academic Year

Hannah Donahue September 10, 2020
Issue 2 of the 2020-21 Academic Year

Student Press Freedom

Hannah Donahue April 17, 2019
Though freedom of the student press is incredibly important in today's world, censorship is still a constant issue
Bret's all-time list of five greatest albums

Bret’s all-time list of five greatest albums

Bret Belden February 28, 2019

No. 1: "Exile On Main St." I started at the Rolling Stones with this album toward the end of my sophomore year in high school. That was around the time my dad and I got really into golfing, (he’s...

The NBA’s parity issue

Bret Belden February 14, 2019

The NBA has a serious problem with the way it handles its franchises and it’s soon going to pay the price in form of teams relocating or outright failing. From a strictly business point of view, I understand...

Tree lighting debacle one of many to come

Bret Belden December 6, 2018

The Union Leader reported Tuesday that the longtime tradition of decorating a tree in Durham’s Memorial Park may soon come to an end because of its exclusionary nature. The town has made no official...

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Ben’s Bar at the TNH Test Kitchen: REAL Chicken Chili

November 15, 2018
News Editor Benjamin Strawbridge heads to the TNH Test Kitchen to show you how to make his mother's famous chicken chili.

Three sides to the story

Bret Belden April 24, 2017

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people speak about an issue they are not educated on.  I have always believed that, until I knew all sides to every story, I would not form an opinion, because an...

Something to be proud of

Bret Belden April 22, 2017

As you can all probably imagine, I was not the most “normal” child in the world.  My go-to outfit in the sixth grade was knee-high socks, plaid bermuda shorts and a fedora, if that is any indication...

Better safe than sorry

Bret Belden April 13, 2017

Let’s talk about sex, baby. No really, let’s. I was fortunate enough to be brought up in a public school system where I was offered sex ed.  I remember sitting in my eighth grade health class, cringing...

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