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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire


The New Hampshire

What team? Wildcats


Think back to “spirit days” in primary and secondary school. The excitement of getting dressed up, walking in the halls and feeling the electric energy bounce through the corridors. The anticipation for the big game and pep rally distracting your brain in math class; memories of school spirit are some of the best.

The New Hampshire

Editorial: The Earth without art is ‘eh’


One of the best parts about college is that a student’s schedule is mostly made up of personal interests. After declaring majors and minors, with the exception of the required discovery courses, classes are tailored to a student’s strengths and talents. It is often the case that after a student completes the required arts credit, that student will never again attend a UNH arts event. We at The New Hampshire think that’s a trend that should change.

The New Hampshire

Beyond the classroom


As a senior, the first thing I have truly realized, and it dawned on me just recently, is how fast my time here at the University of New Hampshire has passed. I can remember rather vividly, with nostalgia and angst for the future, moving into my freshman year dorm room. It was horribly hot out and I had so many things to move in, not understanding how small my room was going to be. I had mixed feelings of anticipation and dread. These were momentous times. No more parents to tell me to do homework or to find a group to join. Teachers weren’t going to be there for me every step of the way. No bells to dismiss me from class. No knowledge of where to go and who everybody was. That feeling of anxiety over something so serious and new held onto me for a little while, but eventually we all learn to adapt and survive. It’s learning how to survive in an active and positive way that really makes the difference.

The New Hampshire

Obama’s swing and a miss


President Obama was the first sitting American President to visit the Island of Cuba since Calvin Coolidge in 1928. It really goes without saying that this is not because of some odd coincidence that past presidents of the freest nation on Earth have chosen to skip over the island throughout history.

The New Hampshire

‘School Hard’


"Grade 9,” by the Barenaked Ladies, is a song that was released in the early 1990s and is all about first impressions and the crazy whirlwind that is high school.

The New Hampshire

Letter to the Editor


I wholeheartedly agree with Mark Kobzik that criticism of the powerful should not cease after they’re dead.  But it seems as though he forgot to mention on Monday any terrible person who wasn’t a liberal bugbear.  In the spirit of jogging the memory, then:

The New Hampshire

A silent majority


There is a quiet and subtle revolution currently taking place here in the United States.

The New Hampshire

Explicating Educators


The New Hampshire staff mourns the loss of Principal Lecturer in Music Arlene Kies, who passed away from cancer at age 63 on Feb. 11.

The New Hampshire

Letter to the editor


I was once a part of a political revolution.  A young, charismatic man was our leader.  He promised change.  He was going to reform the political system as we know it, and he was going to do it with the groundswell of support driving his revolution.  It was going to be amazing, a once-in-a-generation phenomenon.

The New Hampshire

Shaking the establishment


People are pissed. Americans, who are for the most part are lazy and apathetic voters, turned out in Iowa on Feb. 1 and in New Hampshire on Feb. 9 to send one hell of a wake-up call to both the GOP and Democratic establishments.

The New Hampshire

Justice Who?


The death of 79-year-old Antonin Scalia, someone many students have likely never heard of until the news broke Saturday, leaves an open spot in what is arguably the most influential and powerful group of decision makers in the United States—the justices seated on the Supreme Court bench.

The New Hampshire

Swerving Solipsism


A political air has swept through Durham and across the Granite State as voters get set to hit the polls for the New Hampshire primary election.

The New Hampshire

A look at why hosting DJ Kygo is a superb selection from SCOPE


Music is one category this campus doesn’t lack diversity in, and catering to the musical tastes of the 12,000 some-odd students is not an easy task. Nonetheless, the Student Committee on Popular Entertainment’s (SCOPE) decision to choose Kygo as the performer for its fall concert at the Whittemore Center on Oct. 24 was the right move.

The New Hampshire

From the Right: Exploring the GOP field


About four months and two debates into their campaigns, the large and impressive GOP field is finally starting to sort itself out.  We have already seen some rise quickly and others lose sight of their eventual path to the nomination and drop out. The political outsiders, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump, have all been shown tremendous support thus far. Meanwhile Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have been waiting patiently for their opportunity to snatch the nomination.

The New Hampshire