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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire


The New Hampshire

UNH student employees: A perspective


Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of New Hampshire (UNH) has recently curtailed most of its operations. Almost every student has left Durham, but many in off-campus residencies still remain. Some of these students, such as myself, are student employees

The New Hampshire

Ben's Bench: Confirming the comeback


In accomplishing a comeback typically reserved for Hollywood blockbusters and Oscar winners, former Vice President and current frontrunner Joseph R. Biden, Jr., went from becoming a guest star on the “Walking Dead” to the left’s best hope in dethroning Donald Trump and barring him from a second term.

The New Hampshire

Ben's Bench: The Democratic Debate that wasn't


I want to start this off with an apology. In my last election editorial, I questioned the seemingly crazy decision on the part of Deval Patrick to enter the Democratic race in a rather, retrospectively speaking, crude manner. Although I attempted to mix serious commentary with a dash of humor, feedback I received from multiple readers did not respond to this attempt too well, and I can admit when I do wrong. Thus, if you ever end up reading this, Mr. Patrick, I sincerely apologize for judging you as harshly as I did; after all, I don’t anyone could have screwed up the Democratic primary more at this point than the Columbia Broadcasting System did on Tuesday, Feb. 25. 

The New Hampshire

A student abroad: Two summers in South Korea


Once upon a time, at the age of 18, I imagined I would study, work and dwell within my rural town in New Hampshire for my entire life; that all changed once I received the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) to study abroad for eight weeks in Busan, South Korea during Summer 2018 and Gwangju, South Korea during Summer 2019.


Election interference: What lurks in the Shadow


On Nov. 7, 2019, Pete Buttigieg got what he needed to skyrocket his positioning toward the top of the once-widespread pool of Democratic presidential candidates- an endorsement from The New Hampshire’s Managing Editor Ian Lenahan.

The New Hampshire