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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire

Letter to the Editor: Shame. Shame.

To the Editor:

Dear The New Hampshire,
Shame. Shame. Our country just elected a racist, a sexual assaulter, a compulsive liar, a traitor, a convicted felon, a business fraud, a twice-impeached, disgraced ex-president with severely diminished mental abilities and judgment to the highest office in the nation. Donald Trump is all of that and worse.  He is the most vile person that one can imagine.  What parent would choose him as a role model for their child?
Yet we knew this, having suffered through four years of his maladministration. Some say, "I don't like what he says but I like his policies."  And just what are those policies?  He never says (though Project 2025 is a useful guide), other than repeating ad nauseum his mantra that he will make America great again. He did have his chance before. All that he "accomplished" was cutting taxes for the wealthy using borrowed money, appointing extremist judges, undermining our credibility internationally, and playing the buffoon (He never did manage to nuke that hurricane but he did become besties with the brutal Kim Jong Un). "Yes, but he is good on the economy."  Really?  He does not even understand such a fundamental principle as how tariffs work.  The Chinese will pay for his tariffs like the Mexicans paid for his wall.  He has no plan to reduce inflation other than doing more drilling.
Anyway, it must be emphasized that this disaster is not due to any failure on the part of the Democratic Party which orchestrated an outstanding campaign, and it is certainly not the fault of Kamala Harris who was brilliant, engaging, and nearly flawless in her time before us, bringing hope and good will to the entire country. There are always "reasons" that one party loses but that is not the most important issue. There is a bottom line that should be troubling to all who care about the American experiment: over half of us voted for a man who was obviously wholly unfit for this responsibility.
Michael Behrendt
Durham, New Hampshire
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