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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire


UNH's PPGA Hosts "Paint and Sip" Night

Members of UNH's PPGA chapter hosted the social on February 20, where they also presented their goals for the semester.

On Tuesday February 20, Paint and Sip night hosted by Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA) showcased an array of Paint-by-Number canvases to choose from detailing beautiful flowers accompanied by a display of sparkling juices as members laugh in the background, a view seen frequently at PPGA meetings.

PPGA is an inclusive group focused on fighting for women’s rights and reproductive rights among other social injustices. PPGA works to spread the message of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund through discussion. PPGA as a whole advocates for providing crucial access to healthcare to people all over the world. On college campuses, PPGA encourages young leaders to be impactful and speak up for the change they want to see in communities.

The PPGA student organizers at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) plan fun events such as the Paint and Sip night, movie night, self-care nights, book club, etc. The vibe of the Paint and Sip night was cozy and relaxing. Members went around to reintroduce themselves, an ice-breaker that the club makes sure to include in every meeting to make new members or one-time visitors feel all the more welcome.

PPGA hosts a new free event as a resource for the UNH community every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Union Building (MUB) room 332. PPGA events are sponsored and funded more specifically by Planned Parenthood New Hampshire.

“Even if you come once or twice a semester you get something positive out of it,” said Kay Sassam, a third-year student and a member of PPGA’s executive board.

Their goal is to create an open and secure place to educate members and discuss matters relating to abortion rights and reproductive health. PPGA is actively working not only to provide resources, such as free condoms, to the UNH community but also to work towards rights to abortion access and health care for all.

“We are a resource for students to come to if they ever have any questions,” said Molly Kent, a fourth-year student and president of PPGA’s UNH chapter.

Kent detailed the work being done to provide even more resources to UNH students. For example, brainstorming ideas to implement ways to provide free Plan B, condoms and other reproductive health resources on campus which could be accessed through a vending machine. Kent says that one of the biggest goals of PPGA is to make these reproductive health care resources more accessible to anyone who needs them.

PPGA’s main focuses are on reproductive and sexual healthcare but they also work towards educating members on using their right to vote and public safety. In previous weeks, there was even Narcan training for students, showing what to do if they have to respond to an opioid overdose. Offering this training for free on a college campus is something that can save lives, and emphasizes the importance of PPGA over the world.

At the Paint and Sip event, the organizers educated students on the new ruling in the Alabama Supreme Court that states embryos will be considered children by law. This makes the already expensive in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures less accessible.

“Embryos created by IVF are considered children, sparking concerns that embryos that are destroyed or damaged could lead to civil liability,” according to NBC News.

This news affects a large portion of the population that needs IVF procedures to have children, marking a pivotal moment since the abortion rulings.

“We like to provide a fun and welcoming environment where people feel safe and at home,” Kent said.

Another staple during PPGA meetings is “PPGA Shares,” where students can use the meeting time to share their stories, practice presentations in front of an audience, etc.

“Everyone who wants to share gets a chance,” said PPGA executive board member Sadie Chaffin.

Molly Smith occasionally attends PPGA meetings and utilizes PPGA Shares to educate others on political aspects of the environment for her Environmental Defense Fund Action Internship. During the meeting on Feb. 20, Smith presented a slideshow she prepared for her internship. The members of the club intently watched as she presented and engaged in a petition Smith had brought to support environmental causes. The support from all of the PPGA members keeps everybody coming back, opening up a safe place to share ideas and opinions.

“I know that most of the people here are supportive so it’s less intimidating to share,” Smith shared.