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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire


Senior Farewell: Rhianwen Watkins.

"Thank you for everything."

It is hard to believe this is the final piece I am sitting down to write for The New Hampshire (TNH), being less than a week away from graduating. The feeling is bittersweet. I am excited for all of the opportunities that await me, but I will also miss seeing everyone’s faces as I walk into the newsroom every Monday.

I have so many wonderful memories that come to my mind when I think back on my time with TNH. My time began in sophomore year, as a contributor, sending in some stories I had written for Newswriting class, to the TNH email, not knowing exactly who would be reading it or if it would be published. The first time I ever opened up the TNH website and saw my name under the headline, it was such an exciting moment in my college career. I felt so accomplished, encouraged and excited to write more.

After I had contributed about six6 stories, I decided I wanted to take it a step further and join the newsroom as a staff writer. I was writing weekly stories on a variety of subjects from University Day to bills being passed and  protests happening on campus. Eventually, I decided I wanted to gain some editorial skills, and became a news editor the following semester. I always enjoyed editing pieces because everyone would always respond to each other’s edits saying, “I agree with this” or “that sounds like a good way to word this” – together we problem solved and sprang ideas off of one another. It was uplifting seeing all of the support for each other, not just in the newsroom, but even in the word documents.

This was my final semester, where I took on the role of arts editor. Being a dance major in addition to journalism, and having a love for the arts, I felt it was a role that meshed with who I am. I had the privilege of finding arts in the area for people to write about and encouraging people to cover the arts, as it is an area that deserves more representation than it often gets.

This year in particular, I feel the staff is closer than ever before, and we have made such a strong team. Most of us were new in our positions, yet we didn’t allow that to be a hurdle, and instead boosted each other up, offering a helping hand whenever needed. I am especially proud of our hard work covering the midterm elections. We covered an extensive number of stories on just about every issue and informed our readers of almost every legislators’ goals.

We were never lacking when it came to people being up for the task. Each and every pitch was filled, with everyone being more than willing to take on part of the project without complaints.

We have also done an amazing job with expanding our digital platforms, thanks to Alex, our digital editor, who has worked incredibly hard and passionately towards making this happen.

I also want to thank Amanda and Julie for being awesome news editors, oftentimes being the very first eyes on stories right when they entered the folder to be edited.

In addition, we couldn’t be as successful as we’ve been without the passionate help we have had from our gifted and hard-working staff writers and contributors who show up every week.

I am especially grateful to Max, Mel and Sarah who have been fearless leaders and the glue that has kept us as strong as we’ve been.

I am truly so thankful to have been a part of this year’s team. I feel we not only have been successful in putting out consistently strong and powerful content, but also, we have created a newsroom that values every single person’s presence and a caring, warm and welcoming environment that is palpably inclusive and supportive.

I am sad to leave, but excited for the next step in my career. And I can’t wait to see where all of my amazing colleagues end up, too. Just remember, I won’t be far, so never hesitate to reach out for advice, help, or even a friend to talk to. And, I will undoubtedly be reading the weekly line-up and cheering you all on.