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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire


Class of 2020 Senior Farewells: Madailein Hart, News Editor

I only got to be an editor for a little while, not even a full semester, but the experiences that this opportunity gave me have been unforgettable. I was so nervous to join TNH during my sophomore year, so much so that my boyfriend had to literally push me through the door. After that first meeting, however, I knew there was no way I was quitting. I looked forward to every Thursday meeting, and then later, every Wednesday production night. 

TNH gave me the opportunity to not only do what I love but also make new, close friendships that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Ian was the one who approached me about becoming an editor, walking from Sue’s creative non-fiction class to a TNH staff meeting. I had never considered putting myself in an editorial position but I am so thankful that the rest of the staff believed in me. Caleb offered me my own book column (Mad About Books) and it’s been my favorite thing to write every week, finding new stories to share with the UNH campus and swapping titles with Caleb during production night. Sam and Josh sit right next to me and Emily, and they have had to put up with so much laughing, talking, and whispering during work, which I can only assume is no easy feat. I have no doubt that Josh will make an amazing executive editor next year because he is full of good ideas for the paper. As for our current executive editor, Bret, I think the Twitch gamer girls cubical chat is something I’ll remember for a long time because it was the perfect introduction to his dry humor. Katie, Emily and Hannah, the News Girlz, give the best advice, tell the best stories and jokes, and are some of the most caring people on this campus (if not the world). They understand me as no one else does and put up with so many of my ramblings and Hoco food choices (let’s have another girls night soon, okay?). 

Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t add that quarantine walks with Sam, Caleb and Emily and helped me from going crazy and helped me explore new sides of Durham. This same group also helped with a brownie-bake-off Instagram story which was definitely one of the best nights in the newsroom.  

I’m so lucky to have been surrounded by too many talented writers who have never failed to make production night worth its long hours. Everyone was so patient with me when I was still learning how to edit the TNH way and made me feel welcome right from the start. Sorry to be sappy, but thank you so much to everyone.  

By the way, I still don’t think I have a midnight pass.