Leaves are changing colors, the weather is getting cooler and every food you order seems to be seasoned with pumpkin spice. But before you know it, fall will be long gone and UNH will be hunkered down for a long winter. So while you still have the chance, go out and enjoy the season. If you don’t know where to start, here are some suggestions:
Demeritt Hill Farm-
Located at 20 Orchard Way in Lee, this farm has a lot of fun fall activities you can enjoy. They have apple picking, hay rides, a pumpkin patch, nature trails and many delicious baked goods to try. What is most exciting is that they host a Haunted Overload Attraction that was voted #1 Scariest Attraction in 2015 by Hauntworld.com.
Coppal House Farm- Located at 118 North River Road in Lee, this farm boasts two corn mazes (one is shaped like a Wildcat!), a pumpkin patch, hayrides and fresh farm goodies.
Emery Farm- Located at 135 Piscataqua Road right here in Durham, this farm has pumpkins, hayrides and a corn maze. They also have a petting zoo and bake their own apple cider donuts. Join them for Halloweekend (Oct. 28-29, 6-9 p.m.), where they will have nighttime wagon rides and glow-in-the-dark corn mazes. The best part about Emery Farm is that it’s reachable by the Wildcat Transit.
Football Games-
A quintessential part of the UNH fall experience is cheering on the Wildcats at one of our home football games. The next home game is on Saturday, Oct. 29 against the Stony Brook University Seawolves at 12 p.m.
24th Annual Jessie Doe Haunted House- On Friday, Oct. 21 from 8-11 p.m., Jessie Doe Hall is holding their annual haunted house. Go to Jessie Doe at 24 Ballard Street in Durham to be spooked and scared! Admission is either $3 per person or three canned goods that will be donated directly to a local food pantry.
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