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Monday, March 10, 2025
The New Hampshire

Resumé Reality


ot everyone has the same endgame with college and the fields of study are various. But it’s safe to say most go to college to get that elusive dream job. However, there are an estimated 20.2 million American students in college, according to the Institution of Education Sciences.

Sure, employment rates are back on the rise. But it’s no secret that a substantial number of those in the workforce are painfully overqualified for their work. In the sea of 20.2 million college students, it’s imperative to stand out.

Fortunately, UNH offers many services to help ensure students do everything they can to separate themselves from the bunch.

On Friday, Feb. 26, the University Advising and Career Center will be holding a resumé review day in the MUB Granite State Room from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

It would be extremely wise for all seniors—and all students for that matter—who have not yet locked up jobs or seats in graduate school to attend this event.

Getting a job is all about self-marketing. You, the employee, not only need to project yourself as something the employer wants, but also something that the employer needs. This all starts with the resumé.

At the very least, having someone look over your resumé can help ensure there are no typos. Having a typo in your resumé is the surest way to have it crumpled up and tossed into a potential employer’s waste receptacle with the same velocity of a Randy Johnson fastball. If you’re not a baseball fan, Johnson is a Hall of Fame pitcher whose fastballs regularly exceeded 100 mph. In fact, Johnson once killed an unfortunate bird that flew between the mound and home plate in 2001. Seriously, look up the video if you haven’t seen it. It’s wild.

Having a stellar resumé is important even if you’re applying to graduate schools and looking to continue your education after completing your bachelor’s degree at UNH. Most graduate schools require a resumé submission.

For those of you who are reading this and realizing you don’t have much, if anything, to put on your resumé, it’s time to start working.

This university, and specifically the UACC, is incredibly helpful when it comes to helping students get internships and other positions that allow them to showcase their abilities. Check out their website sometime.

So recognize that the UACC is offering an incredibly useful service that you would be remiss to skip out on.

No, the resumé isn’t everything, but it’s the first thing most employers see. Yours should be as good as it can be.  As the old saying goes: You only get chance at making a first impression.