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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
The New Hampshire

Farewell Column: A warm tip of the cap

As my four years at UNH wind down, I find myself looking back over my career here and realizing that there are far too many people that I’d need to thank to ever adequately do so. But with my last production night behind me, I figured I’d give a quick shout out to those people that made the last year and a half at The New Hampshire possible.

As always, I have to start by thanking my parents. Dad, you’ve done so much to ensure that I’ve never wanted for anything, and no words could ever do justice to how much I appreciate all the hard work you’ve put in to provide for our family. Mom, I know I don’t always show it, but you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known and you’ve been my biggest supporter from day one. I love you both and I hope that I’ve made you as proud to be my parents as I’ve been to be your son.

Next, I’d like to thank Nick Stoico, Justin Loring, Josh Sullivan, and, of course, Sam Rabuck. I didn’t know a thing about journalism when I first showed up, and the four of you spent some quality time making sure that I was ready to take over this year. I know firsthand how much time and effort went into each and every story and paper, and I hope that I’ve been worth the chance you took on me.

I have to give a huge thank you to a group of guys that don’t get nearly the credit they deserve. Mike Murphy, Doug Poole, Alex Comeau, Taylor Sievers, Ben Gilbert, Jon Luszcz and all of the athletic communications interns—you all put in so much work behind the scenes to make UNH athletics successful, and you bailed me and this paper out more times than I can count. Thank you guys so much for making this a memorable and enjoyable ride.

To the coaches and athletes here at UNH, thank you for spending the time to sit down with me and my staff and to let us get to know you. I hope that the stories we’ve run this year have done all your hard work and talent justice. I’d like to give an extra shoutout to UNH volleyball, head coach Jill Hirschinger, Stacy Barnett, Morgan Thatcher and the entire team, who always went above and beyond to make me feel welcome. Your title run this year was one of the highlights of my time here at UNH, and I can’t wait to come back and watch you chase four straight next season.

I’d also like to thank the members of the swimming and diving program over the last two years, especially KathyD, Sav, Hailee and Jess. I spent far too many hours at the Swase, but it paid off getting to know you all. You made the endless lifeguarding shifts a bit more fun, and I’ll let next year’s guards know to have the music playing.

Lastly, I want to thank the great people I’ve worked with day and night at TNH. Sam Donnelly and Greg Laudani, you guys busted your butts during the early season to make sure that every sport got covered, and I would’ve lost my mind without your help. Brian, I’m proud to call you a brother and I know the paper’s in good hands for the next two years. Mark, I still can’t believe I credited you as “Gambino” on your first story, but I’m glad you came back and made me remember your name by writing some absolutely fantastic stories. Ryan, I don’t know where you came from, but you bailed me out by coming in to write track this year. Keep up the hard work. Sam Rogers, you’ve been contributing since your early days at UNH, which included putting up with me during my early days as an editor. You’re going to make a great addition to staff.

And to my fellow editors, I don’t have anything to say now that I haven’t yelled a thousand times during our late production nights.

Thank you all for an incredible run here at TNH, and for four amazing years. On to the next great adventure.